16th April at 3pm IST​

Life without LeadSquared at IMT CDL: 
How IMT CDL addressed their admission related challenges using LeadSquared:   

  Lead leakage worries due to manual lead capture on excel sheets

  Lack of ready-to-use email templates, resulting in a faulty nurturing process

  No insight on the performance of team members or lead sources

  Insufficient data to take corrective measures like optimizing marketing campaigns

  Cumbersome, delayed & inaccurate MIS Reports

  Bottlenecks in forecasting realistic admission numbers

  Little or no scope of scaling without sales & marketing automation

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Your Speaker

Rakesh Kumar

Head of Marketing at IMT CDL, Ghaziabad

​Rakesh is a versatile professional with 16 years of high growth experience in Marketing Communication, Demand Generation, Product Management & Customer Success, in diverse sectors, including Education, Software Solutions, E-Commerce & FMCG.