7 steps to dramatically increase your enrollment rates
Sunday, 16th September 2018

Life of Admission Team is Tough
Admission teams worldwide are under tremendous pressure to fill more seats with limited resources and shrinking pool of applicants. In this upcoming webinar, we will share tips & tricks on how you can drastically improve enrollments. Don't miss it!

The webinar is now, but we'll send you the recording if you sign up!

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Ajay Shukla

Co-Founder - Higher Education UAE
Ajay helps transforming higher education in the Middle East by bringing top tier universities to UAE with strategic Joint Ventures.

Nilesh Patel

Co- Founder - LeadSquared
Nilesh is on a mission to build LeadSquared as the software platform of choice for higher education
7 steps to dramatically increase your enrollment rates
Sunday, 16th September 2018
 Send me the recording