Create responsive landing pages instantly
Ready to use templates     |     Drag and drop editor     |     Relevant Autoresponders     |     Multi-domain Support     |     Personalized 1-1 training
How it works
Mobile ready templates for every industry, every purpose
Start by choosing a template that best fits your business and campaign - we have dozens of tried and tested high-converting responsive templates for every industry and purpose. 
Drag and drop editor to quickly edit the content
Get complete flexibility to craft beautiful landing pages with no IT support. Edit text, add images, testimonials, and any other element with just a few clicks. We have designed each element to perfectly complement your content.
Highly customizable, multi-lingual forms
Create lead capture forms that instantly improve conversions. Customize appearance, content style, and content language of each form element - header, footer and form fields.
Get total control of look and feel
Choose from a dozen of responsive ready to use templates. We have template for every induatry and purpose and we add to the list wih every release

Edit CSS and Style editor to create magic
Advanced users can use their CSS skills to further control and customize every aspect of the design. Tweak every bit of the page till it perfectly aligns with your company's identity.
Customize post lead capture activities
Redirect your leads to a custom post-submission page, to engage them further. Setup autoresponders to send them custom content relevant to the campaign offer. Alert your sales reps of the lead capture activity, and segment leads into different lists
Insert your tracking scripts
Track your traffic and conversions in Google analytics, adwords, and LeadSquared by inserting relevant tracking scripts. 

Your page is live now with your URL
Choose from a dozen of responsive ready to use templates. We have template for every induatry and purpose and we add to the list wih every release

Start capturing leads from :

Leadsquared helped us quickly launch a new campaign we wanted to test with our customers. The campaign was hugely successful because of the deep insights we got from the tool. The support provided by the team is a key differentiator. 


Product Manager, 

Signup for 15 day free trial
Leadsquared helped us quickly launch a new campaign we wanted to test with our customers. The campaign was hugely successful because of the deep insights we got from the tool. The support provided by the team is a key differentiator. 

Pradeep Ayyagari

Product Manager